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Buy An Analytic Pub Crawl, Wanderings and Observations paperback directly from me by using the button to deposit $30 AUD into my PayPal account, postage included. Use the Contact page to send me your delivery details. 

Buy Borderland paperback directly from me by using the button to deposit $30 AUD, postage included into my PayPal account. Use the Contact page to send me your delivery details. 

Buy Cillefoyle Park paperback directly from me by using the button to deposit $30 AUD, postage included into my PayPal account. Use the Contact page to send me your delivery details. 

Click the button to buy my An Analytic Pub Crawl, Wanderings and Observations ebook or paperback on  Amazon Australia. Look in your local Amazon to purchase a book in your country, eg UK, USA.

Click the button to buy my Borderland ebook or paperback on  Amazon Australia. Look in your local Amazon to purchase a book in your country, eg UK, USA.

Buy all my books in ebook versions in Smashwords, An Analytic Pub Crawl, Wanderings and Observations or Borderland. Also available: Cillefoyle Park, A Bump on the Road, and Fragments of an Analytic Pub Crawl. Click the button to buy.

Click the button to buy Fragments of an Analytic Pub Crawl  ebook or paperback on  Amazon Australia. Look in your local Amazon to purchase a book in your country, eg UK, USA.

Click the button to buy Cillefoyle Park  ebook or paperback on  Amazon Australia. Look in your local Amazon to purchase a book in your country, eg UK, USA.

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